How to secure a pupillage at the commercial Bar – Virtual Short Talks for Students

Future commercial barristers are invited to Join Legal Cheek on the afternoon of Tuesday 25th July for a series of virtual short talks, delivered in partnership with COMBAR.

Neil Dowers, 4 Pump Court; Emily Betts, Gatehouse Chambers; and Nick Sloboda, One Essex Court will provide students with their top tips for pupillage applications to commercial sets, as well as an invaluable insight into what life is like at the commercial bar.

They will also explore COMBAR’s mentoring scheme, which pairs individuals from groups who are under-represented at the Bar with practitioners from COMBAR member sets, and how the scheme can help you to secure a commercial pupillage.

This is a virtual event aimed at students and graduates. The short talks will be followed by an audience Q&A.

 Apply to attend – You’ll be asked to submit two questions for the speakers.